So much has happened in the last 23 days!
(that's when the last post about all the random stuff was posted. no i did not just make up a random number)
Time is flying by-but also going so slow. I think it's a mix of excitement and dread.
Excited because I am graduating!
And dread because I still have 2 months before I graduate...and then like what happens after that?? Oh no, I won't even be an adult which is lame, and I have to figure life out man.
Here are some things that happened amidst the stress and apathy:
So....I'm subscribed to like 50 different fast food email lists...?
Yeah oops.
Surprised much?
Anyways, Sonic had 69 cent Jr. Cheeseburgers and Benny and I were BOTH off of work!
(that like never ever ever happens. we both work 24/7)
So obviously we went.
You could only get 5 per person though...
I was SO convinced I could eat all 5 and I saw it as a challenge.
...but then I was doing the math, and that's $3.76 with 9% food tax
and I'm POOR guys!
So I only got 2.
Kinda regret it, but that's okay because I saved $2.25 so that's that.
(also I didn't even pay lol so none of that mattered)
I love Sonic.
It's kinda Benny and my thing.
Even before we were dating we would go here a lot and just talk
(I might have ranted more than talked)
but we both just enjoyed each others company.
...and pineapple slushies
...lemon berry cream slush slashes
...vanilla shakes (he gets vanilla idk man. cookie dough is where it's at)
...and that one time we got "family size" mozzarella sticks because we were really hungry, but not hungry enough because that could have fed a small army.
Still can't get over it!
I am more excited than I can explain--also kinda freaking out because $$$
My attempt at being school spirited.
Went to the second basketball game since being at this school...
(in comparison to being at EVERY home game at Westlake)
I just can't do it...I can't be a blue jay.
Not for me.
I think I just like dance so much that it made my high school experience what it is.
Oh no guys, I peaked in 9th grade!
Guess who's now an adultttttttt
That's okay though, because Benjamin Charles Aulner is now 18 and can buy lottery tickets (I will go with you to buy one dude), cigarettes, hotel rooms, apply for a credit card, get a tattoo (please don't babe), vote (just not for Trump or Hillary), donate plasma, go to all the free concerts in the summer, skydive (I did that when I was 17 though, oops), change your name, sue someone (please not me), get married (not recommended), buy fireworks, buy a car, gamble, etc.
I bought him a hecka cool hammock and scratch off map and I'm pretty sure I thought they were way cooler than he did and might be guilty of buying them in hopes that I can also use them but hey, it was really hard to come up with creative things okay?
The Saturday before, we went out to Cheddar's for dinner and then probably watched movies, the typical, but I wouldn't have wanted to spend it any other way.
On his actual birthday (Sunday March 6) I ate dinner with his family and had the best German Chocolate cake ever. AND ice cream. I really really really wanted to get seconds and thirds and fourths but I help myself back, be proud.
Also...he submitted his papers and got assigned somewhere last Friday! Now we are just waiting to see where he got called!
I never miss any free food days guys. Never.
I'm kind of really appalled that they charged $1 for pancakes on St. Patricks day this year.
They didn't last year.
Isn't that so annoying. I just wanted free food man.
What is this you ask???
Only the best decision I have ever made.
Jim, the awesome produce guy told me I could buy 8 boxes of strawberries for $2 if I wanted to.
duhhhhhh I want to dude!
I only made 50 BILLION chocolate covered strawberries, and my mom used the rest for freezer jam

One of my coworkers came to visit us and brought us pastries an desserts from her new work.
I really want to go visit because this little chocolate thing she gave me was pure heaven.
She told me it was "very rich".
Well honey, I can eat more sugar than anyone, so don't worry about me.

balancing out the junk food with attempts at making healthy food.
i really really tried guys.
buttttttt sugar wins in the end!
apparently these are like vintage man.
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