Like my title? I'm basic.
I also almost put 2k14...where did that whole year go?! *crying*
So.... let me lead up to this fantabulous trip.
First: Qualifying
I had a rocky season, I got a boyfriend, and let's be honest...I didn't ever want to go to practice because of it. I skipped at least two weeks.... Then, I decided to be super cool and do a backflip off of a tire that was sitting on the high school field. I DON'T EVEN KNOW HOW, BUT I HIT MY HEAD ON IT.....
Cute picture right. It hurt a lot more than it looks like.
Anyways....I got a concussion....I ended up going to the doctor 5 times in 3 days because of that and my knee/PT. Fun times.
Okay, can't even remember where I was.
So my season was a little sketchy. I had originally made a goal of qualifying for state in the first 5 meets, but after not doing a single dive for 8 months, I was a little rusty....
I ended up missing so many meets that I had to go to the "Last Chance Meet" to qualify. They basically let you compete and then if you were really close but don't make it then you get to try again.
It was a "Roller Coaster of a Meet" as my mom says in the email she sent to like 50 people!!! It was so embarrassing.
Here's my side:
Warm ups went AMAZING. I was on track to get way above state cuts. But then comes the competition and my reverse 1.5 got like 4's! My warm up ones could have easily gotten 6.5-7's. My final score was 209.35 and state is 210. ISN'T THAT SO FRUSTRATING?!
So basically I committed to trying again but I didn't warm up like at all, and my first 3 dives were awful scoring like 5's.... my 3rd dive I came out of the water crying and yelled at my coach and told him to scratch me from the meet. He told me to just do the next dive so I jumped as high as I could and miraculously scored 7 and 8's! That saved me since I got 50 points with just one dive!
I ended up with 218.
But I was still kinda freaking out, and I wasn't sure if I even wanted to go to state in the first place I just felt pressured into making it, and had told people I was going to qualify this year...
So I was just a hot mess.....yup. Pretty much. So I don't have any cute pictures (and I never look cute with my hair in a wet ponytail/no makeup anyways) so here are the realistic ones:
So then Kyrsten and Jen came and decorated my room because they are the bestest people I know! No joke.
shoutout to my mom for cleaning my room right before
So now to actual state. We left Thursday during school in our "charter bus".
I came from a charter school, and we had like the nice huge "charter buses" but I mean this one suffices since there were only 10 of us....
whole sha-bang in our state gear.
only junior qualifiers. i look terrible.
probably won't ever use this color but it looked supa cool
brand new eos and fooooooooood
curlin' up in the bus. good thing i have no friends, i get two seats.
But, best part of state???
Our school paid $8 for lunch and $15 for dinner so I felt like a billionaire at our fast food places lol
Our school paid $8 for lunch and $15 for dinner so I felt like a billionaire at our fast food places lol
first night Fazoli's: Ceasar Italia salad and Strawberry Italian Ice.
we went to Barne's and Noble but I didn't get anything.
I was in a really good mood when I wrote all the previous stuff, but life is getting a little harder to deal with right now.
We left to the pool at 10:30 and watched the swimmers just warm up until the prelims started at 3, so I read this whole book.
I'm not recommending it to anyone for fear that I will be hardcore judged for it's inappropriateness and many cuss words, but I liked it a lot. It was so relatable. I was hoping it would help me by the end but it just gave me an empty feeling, no good advice just a good-ish feeling knowing that others have broken off relationships and survived.
Dive practice finally started at 5, and the water was so cold it felt like hitting a brick wall. My hands were all red and blue and purple (a lot worse than in the picture), and my legs stung for hours after and the next day there was a beautiful purple bruise because I obviously suck and smack a lot.
I'm not going to lie....I wanted to put a filter on it to make it look a lot worse hahaha
this was kinda odd...not used to peas in my chicken alfredo
I finally finished and joined the rest of my team for dinner at Ruby Tuesday's but I go take out since they were already done by the time I ordered.
So then I sat in my room alone eating it because I lied and told my roommates I was going to bed. They came back and I still hadn't fallen asleep, and then they started painting their nails and dancing and singing, like are you freaking kidding me. I am competing tomorrow morning. I was a little pissed off.
I was supposed to get picked up at 6:45 in the morning so I needed sleep. Our coach came and told us that it was icy raining so they were delaying the meet two hours which I thought sucked because I didn't want to be there forever.
Had a super emotional stressful night hence the last post (that might not be there anymore). Makenna and Jen decided that the roads weren't safe enough so they weren't coming down. That was kind of the last thing that just made me break down.... Especially since the day after ended up being really nice and sunny. There was snow on cars in the morning though so I guess I can't be that mad...
I went down to breakfast alone, and got lucky charms, biscuits and gravy, and a donut. The lucky charms had sooooo many marshmallows! I was in heaven. They never have that many. It must be a special kind. I wasn't really hungry after that and the donuts weren't fresh so I threw the biscuit and donut away... I feel bad throwing away food...
My emotional-ness carried on to breakfast and I started crying while I was eating and an old man started talking to me and it was really embarrassing.
Finally went to the pool to start warming up, but there were 51 divers on 2 boards and of course we chose the crowded one. I think I did 5 practice dives, all of which were awful so I just decided to take a hot shower instead of practice.
Here's my view from the sideline as I pouted about not wanting to dive haha
yay for blurry images!
And here is my beautiful little tag that I had to wear everywhere.
I got cut after the 3rd dive haha. I was actually soooo happy, sounds awful but I'm ready for this season to be over. And they cut 20 so it wasn't like I was the only one, and I was one of the last ones to get cut.
So there ya go. My whole state experience! I left right after I got cut, and went with my family who drove down to see me and we went and explored the rest of St. Louis.
Got back and Savannah wrote all over my driveway hahaha she's the best!

we went to Barne's and Noble but I didn't get anything.
I was in a really good mood when I wrote all the previous stuff, but life is getting a little harder to deal with right now.
We left to the pool at 10:30 and watched the swimmers just warm up until the prelims started at 3, so I read this whole book.
I'm not recommending it to anyone for fear that I will be hardcore judged for it's inappropriateness and many cuss words, but I liked it a lot. It was so relatable. I was hoping it would help me by the end but it just gave me an empty feeling, no good advice just a good-ish feeling knowing that others have broken off relationships and survived.
got a footlong at subway. no regrets.
italian is the way to go with lettuce, tomatoes, olives, pepper-jack, and cucumbers. you're welcome.
Dive practice finally started at 5, and the water was so cold it felt like hitting a brick wall. My hands were all red and blue and purple (a lot worse than in the picture), and my legs stung for hours after and the next day there was a beautiful purple bruise because I obviously suck and smack a lot.
I'm not going to lie....I wanted to put a filter on it to make it look a lot worse hahaha
this was kinda odd...not used to peas in my chicken alfredo
I finally finished and joined the rest of my team for dinner at Ruby Tuesday's but I go take out since they were already done by the time I ordered.
So then I sat in my room alone eating it because I lied and told my roommates I was going to bed. They came back and I still hadn't fallen asleep, and then they started painting their nails and dancing and singing, like are you freaking kidding me. I am competing tomorrow morning. I was a little pissed off.
I was supposed to get picked up at 6:45 in the morning so I needed sleep. Our coach came and told us that it was icy raining so they were delaying the meet two hours which I thought sucked because I didn't want to be there forever.
Had a super emotional stressful night hence the last post (that might not be there anymore). Makenna and Jen decided that the roads weren't safe enough so they weren't coming down. That was kind of the last thing that just made me break down.... Especially since the day after ended up being really nice and sunny. There was snow on cars in the morning though so I guess I can't be that mad...
I went down to breakfast alone, and got lucky charms, biscuits and gravy, and a donut. The lucky charms had sooooo many marshmallows! I was in heaven. They never have that many. It must be a special kind. I wasn't really hungry after that and the donuts weren't fresh so I threw the biscuit and donut away... I feel bad throwing away food...
My emotional-ness carried on to breakfast and I started crying while I was eating and an old man started talking to me and it was really embarrassing.
Finally went to the pool to start warming up, but there were 51 divers on 2 boards and of course we chose the crowded one. I think I did 5 practice dives, all of which were awful so I just decided to take a hot shower instead of practice.
Here's my view from the sideline as I pouted about not wanting to dive haha
yay for blurry images!
There were 51 divers, so that would be about 1 hour for us all to do just one dive. There are eleven dives. Thank goodness they did cuts. I did awful on my 2nd and 3rd dives which were supposed to be my best. Oops, sorry coach, it's probably because I didn't practice and that the water was super cold and I wasn't motivated and the boards felt weird.
I got cut after the 3rd dive haha. I was actually soooo happy, sounds awful but I'm ready for this season to be over. And they cut 20 so it wasn't like I was the only one, and I was one of the last ones to get cut.
So there ya go. My whole state experience! I left right after I got cut, and went with my family who drove down to see me and we went and explored the rest of St. Louis.
Got back and Savannah wrote all over my driveway hahaha she's the best!

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